A wide scope of individual issues and events requires personal consultation…

A wide scope of benefits offered in Great Britain can help you cope with financial difficulties. You might have heard a number of myths and assumptions concerning benefits in the UK. However, due to constantly changing law regulations, many of them are far from truth and may confuse you. Trust us and we will identify the situation for you, as well as provide you with information on which benefits can be applied for in your case.

If you have children, apply for the Child Benefit. Women who have given birth to a baby can apply for the Maternity Allowance. We can help individuals renting a room or a house to obtain the Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Benefit. In the case of low salary – ask us about support in claiming Tax Credits.

Housing Benefit / Council Tax Reduction
Housing Register / Mieszkania Councilowskie
Working Tax Credit / Child Tax Credit
Child Benefit
Personal Independence Payment / Disability Living Allowance
Carer Allowance
Jobseekers Allowance
Maternity Allowance
Income Support Allowance
Employment and Support Allowance
Emerytura w Wielkiej Brytanii / Brytyjska emerytura
Pension Credit / Dofinansowanie do niskich emerytur
and many others...
Pension Statement (number of worked years entitling the applicant to receive the national pension)
A1 certificate (a document allowing to completely avoid insurance payments by business owners)
EHIC card (European Health Insurance Card for every health insurance payer. It is required to take advantage of health services within the borders of the EU)
Surname changes (support in changing one’s surname)
Issuing references and preparing documentation for our clients (required to rent or purchase a housing unit, take a loan, etc.)
Representation in English offices (especially in the case of problematic issues)
and many others...

Get in touch with us today, to be offered professional advising and help…
Will you help us? Yes, we will!
Call us: 07927707500, 07526345124, 07549830442 lub napisz office@progresstax.co.uk
- Progress
First Floor, 83 Kingsland High Street
E8 2PB, London
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